Urban Adventure Quest
For 28 seasons one of our favorite television shows The Amazing Race has followed teams around the world who compete for a million-dollar prize by completing various tasks. Your family can experience your own version of this travel competition through Urban Adventure Quest with a fun and educational way to explore a small city or a particular area of a larger one. The company now has 43 tours in 33 cities across the U.S. plus Vancouver, British Columbia. Using your smartphones to receive clues, you will embark on adventures to find specific locations where you need to answer questions, solve puzzle and complete challenges, all while earning points and competing virtually against other teams. Throughout the course of the race, you will visit famous sights, discover hidden gems and learn facts about the history and culture. Once your teams is registered, you can play on any day and time that is convenient for you. Or even split up into multiple teams and compete against each other. In addition, pricing is per team of two to five players; so a whole family can play for $49 for a two- to three-hour experience or $30 for a Mini Quest. With 86,000 players and counting, Urban Adventure Quest is a great way for families with children of all ages to explore a new city or even learn more about your own hometown!