Volunteer Vacations

January 6, 2012

Considering a volunteer vacation for your next family trip?  United Planet’s 1-12 week trips around the world are also suitable for families.  Teen only programs are also available.  Your trip not only includes volunteering, transfers, accommodations and meals, but excursions and cultural activities.  Optional excursions can also be added.  You also receive extensive pre-departure training, a full orientation on arrival with a local United Planet coordinator, language lessons in some destinations and travel insurance.  Here is your chance to live and work in a local community and give back to those in need.  Projects take place in Cambodia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, Romania, South Africa, Tanzania, Tibet as well as in the USA. For families with younger children, volunteer work in orphanages in Romania, Peru, Chile, and Nepal are idealFamilies can also teach English; contribute to environmental preservation; and more!  Accommodations can be a homestay, hotel, hostel or guest house depending on the location and number of people traveling.  Family discounts include a second parent and children 12 and over for 10 percent off while children under age 12 pay half.  Travel with friends, extended family, religious groups, school groups, etc. can also be arranged.  Program costs are also tax deductible.  Your family can also apply for scholarships and grants to help offset your travel costs.