Travel Tip: Preventing an Airplane Cold

November 27, 2019

Unfortunately flying, especially in winter, can make catching a cold rather easy.  Low humidity is the big culprit for keeping your immune system operating at its best.  Next time you and your family fly…help reduce your chances with the following:

Staying Hydrated: Sipping water regularly throughout the flight is most effective.  Remember that alcohol and caffeinated drinks can dehydrate you more.  Nasal mists, hot drinks, misting your face and breathing through a damp washcloth can also help keep your defenses strong.

Keep Your Hands Clean: The simple act of washing your hands with hot water and soap is a formidable rampart against the transfer of harmful microorganisms. If possible, wash your hands before any in-flight meals, and after your flight as well.  Hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol and sanitizing wipes to clean your tray tables, seat belt buckle and armrest can help too. Touch as little as possible.

Dental Health: Mouthwash can add another layer of protection and keep your throat moist.  Just make sure your bottle is TSA friendly at 3 ounces or less.

Take your Vitamins: While there is no conclusive data, multi-vitamins and especially vitamin C may keep colds or worsening symptoms at bay.

Prevent Airborne Germs:  If needed, a face mask can prevent infection and also keep from spreading infection.  Your overhead air vent can also steer germs away from your face; best to feel the air on your hands when they’re in your lap.

Any other recommendations that you can share?