Toddler Adventure from Thomson

December 27, 2018

We are excited to report that Thomson Family Adventures has launched a unique travel option for families with toddlers!  Designed for children ages 2 to 6, the seven-day Costa Rica Toddler Adventure will explore the varied landscapes of the Costa Rican province of Guanacaste.  Highlights include a private boat ride along the coastline and a visit to an animal sanctuary where toucans, pumas, sloths, monkeys and snakes all reside. Your toddlers will also get several tastes of local culture by way of a tortilla-making class; a traditional ox cart ride; folk dancing and marimba concerts; a bilingual storytelling hour with local children at a public library; and more.  Plenty of downtime as well where babysitters are available if adults want to experience more active adventures.  Thomson also offers Costa Rican itineraries for every age including teen and millennial options.