Trip Review: Journey to Israel
The Silverstein Family from Parkland, FL (traveling with parents and 3 young adult children; 2 who had already been on Birthright trips) ventured to Israel this summer for a custom, private tour. They took off running upon landing to make the most of their 10-night journey. The itinerary first took them to north to Caesarea with its Roman theater and aqueducts, Haifa and throughout the Galilee and the Golan. Their northern adventures included river rafting, wine tasting on a kibbutz, meeting with an active military unit as well as with a local border resident to better understand what life is like. The trip then ascended to Jerusalem for the Sabbath and to explore the many facets of this unique city both old and new. Private tours of the Knesset (Parliament) and Yad Vashem (Holocaust Memorial) were included. Walking along the walls of the Old City
afforded interesting views and was a trip highlight. They also went underground at the Western Wall Tunnels and really enjoyed seeing the Dead Sea Scrolls and menorahs from around the world at the Israel Museum. On the way to the Dead Sea they visited the Ayalon Institute, a former ammunitions factory hidden in a laundry that was a trip highlight and the caves at Beit Guvrin. They hiked up and down Masada, floated in the Dead Sea and then spent the afternoon hiking in Ein Gedi where they were fortunate to witness a herd of ibex. The trip ended in Tel Aviv for some down time and to visit Jaffa. They enjoyed renting bikes to explore the city (part of the city’s Tel-O-Fun bike share program) and traveling along the city’s beach promenade. They stayed in a variety of hotels and inns. A favorite was Mitzpe Hayamim in Rosh Pinah which was also a working farm. The trip was thought provoking and informative on many levels. Overall a successful trip full of history, culture, religion, lots of fresh food, amazing photos and outdoor adventures.