Travel Tip: How to Get Better Sleep on a Plane
June 28, 2015
1. Avoid staring at a screen. The bluish hue can mess with your body’s nature sleep hormones. Reading a book is one of the best possible rituals you can do to fall asleep.
2. Avoid alcohol. Studies have confirmed that any form of alcohol consumed within an hour before shuteye will dehydrate you, leave you groggy when you wake, exaggerate jetlag, and, worst of all, disrupt your overall sleeping pattern, since you get fewer REM cycles during alcohol-induced sleep.
3. Avoid coffee and sugar. Herbal tea, room temperature water or warm milk are good beverage choices.
4. Avoid seats near a galley or toilet to reduce noise. Keep your seat belts fastened; so the flight attendants don’t disrupt you.
5. Don’t forget the essentials that can help you sleep better including ear plugs and eye masks, noise canceling headphones (with soothing music), thick socks, neck pillow (try using under your chin!), blanket, toothbrush and toothpaste and contact case and solution. Saline solution helps with dry nasal passages. Discuss with your doctor about sleep medication such an Ambien or natural sleep aides like melatonin or magnesium citrate powder.
6. Don’t eat a big meal before flying.
7. Dress comfortably and in layers.
8. Fly right before bedtime if possible.
Let us know if you have other tips to share!